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Consumers Energy Work

Customer Highlight Posters

Customer Highlight Posters

DNV GL wanted to reward Consumers Energy customers for participating in so many projects with us. I decided to create a poster that highlighted all of the energy savings as well as all of the good the company has done for the environment. It was so well received that I was asked to create over 50 of these posters that our Outreach team provided to customers with the checks.

Grocer Case Study

Grocer Case Study

We had six Case Studies that were old and needed replacing. I recommended using our annual Project of the Year winners to update and keep things fresh. Not only did I design the Case Studies, I went in person to take photos of the facilities. This Case study was one of 12 that I created.

NEI Brochures

NEI Brochures

The DNV GL Data Specialists were struggling with finding a creative way to present this Non-Energy Impacts (NEI) data to Consumers Energy. I created on of these brochures highlighting the facts with a visual infographic and asked our customers for NEI quotes. Consumers Energy loved this one so much, they asked me to make 11 more NEI brochures.

COVID-19 Playbook

COVID-19 Playbook

This was a quick turnaround time project. The client wanted to have a graphic to include in their Return to Work Playbook. I had to get this ready within 6 hours for the client review. Within that time I created all of the graphic elements from scratch.

2019 POTY Social Media Ad

2019 POTY Social Media Ad

From November - December we ran this ad in front of business owners. We used this ad to increase our reach to customers so they can submit projects.

2017 Project of the Year Mailer

2017 Project of the Year Mailer

This mailer went out to more than 10,000 business customers/contractors to bring submissions to the Project of the Year. This mailer contained a pocket that held a flash drive that included past winner submissions.

5 easy steps

5 easy steps

Updated this old Easy Step flyer to the new brand. This collateral was to help customers with steps to apply for rebates and what rebates they can apply for.

Telecom. Infographic

Telecom. Infographic

The Telecommunication Program wanted to have an updated piece to send through email. Using stock graphics, I cleaned up the image and created a new infographic. I also created COVID-19 features in the graphic.

Instant Discount Banners

Instant Discount Banners

These are some of the Business Instant Discount Cloth banners that I designed for the program's distributors to have in their store. I printed about 21 of the banners, three different designs each. This was due to the type of items the distributor sold.

Online Marketplace Postcard

Online Marketplace Postcard

I created this postcard to give customers a small taste of what the Online Marketplace had to offer them.

Small Business Google Ad2

Small Business Google Ad2

This digital ad was being run on all Michigan business new sites as well as some larger business sites including Forbes.

COVID-19 1 Pager

COVID-19 1 Pager

Piece that needed a quick turn around time. This one pager was used for our internal staff to provide to customers if this have any concerns regarding how Consumers Energy deals with COVID-19.

Indoor Ag Flyer

Indoor Ag Flyer

For 2020, Consumers Energy added the Indoor Agriculture program. In 2019 I had to design a flyer for the program and make sure it was ready by March 2020. I got it ready in February.

Greenhouse Email

Greenhouse Email

Using Constant Contact, I created this email template that was going out to Greenhouse owners.

Small Business Postcard

Small Business Postcard

This postcard was for the Small Business Energy Efficiency Program to spread the word on their $300 Bonus. This postcard also came with a room magnet that was attached to it. I designed both the postcard and the magnet.

Digital Ad

Digital Ad

At Consumers Energy I create digital ads that we posted through Google.

Buy Michigan Mailer

Buy Michigan Mailer

This mailer was die cut in the shape of Michigan and mailed out to business customers. This piece was done in the old brand style.

Telecommunication Flyer

Telecommunication Flyer

Program flyer, really liked the back of the flyer design.

NLC Flyer

NLC Flyer

A flyer talking about Network Lighting Controls. The biggest thing about the flyer was on the back, where I took the photo and designed the infographic.

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